Insamling av lärresurser från det amerikanska utbildningsdepartementet

Insamling av lärresurser från det amerikanska utbildningsdepartementet görs av Edtach Europe Alliance. USA:s utbildningsdepartement och i synnerhet Office of Educational Technology, skapade ett antal resurser som har varit grundläggande för att stödja utvecklare,...

Videos from SVERD Online Spring Conference ” Digital transformation and learning 20250314

Speakers Prof Italo Masiello. om Digital transformation och lärande  (LNU) Linneuniversitetet Researcher Johan Forsell Om gruppbedömning Linköpings Universitet LIU Webbsida: Researcher Martin...

OECD – has come up with recommendations aimed at contributing to an improved supply of skills

Strengthened coordination, cooperation and multi-level cooperation within the competence supply system, Increased opportunities for relevant actors to contribute in collaboration for a well-functioning competence supply, A strengthened data infrastructure for...

SVERD Online Autumn Conference 2024 -Competence supply in flexible ways is open.

Anmälan till SVERD Online Höstkonferens 2024 -Kompetensförsörjning på flexibla sätt är öppen Anmälan som är fri sker här: Agenda Talare 10:00 Välkomna till SVERD Online Höstkonferens -2024....

The government: It will be easier to change professions in mid-life

It will be easier to change professions in mid-life: The government wants it to be easier to switch from one deficit strength to another deficit strength, and today therefore a decision is made on a legislative council referral that involves changes in the so-called...

ERASMUS+ project “AGILE 2 VET – Abilitating Digital Learning to innovate VET sector” 2022-2024

ERASMUS+ project “AGILE 2 VET - Abilitating Digital Learning to innovate VET sector” 2022-2023. Erasmus+1 KA220 – 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033037 Kick off meeting was held on Thursday 10 March-2022 . The project, coordinated by Demetra Formazione, involves seven...

SADE is hosting the kick off Nordplus Project, How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic?

SADE/SVERD is hosting the KICK OFF Thursday and Friday 12-13 May 2022 in Lund, SE. The NORDPLUS Project, where SADE is a partner, on How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic? NPAD-2021/10187:DIGITAL SUPPORT: Guidelines for training the trainers to...

Hyflex learning to improve student success

The word "HyFlex" has been used to describe a learning, but the meaning of the term extends beyond that. HyFlex is an ideology and a strategy to give students expanded educational opportunities writes Jodie Penrod Senior Director, Technology Ohio University, USA The...

A high salary is not enough to attract teachers

(Image from Pixabay) The proportion of qualified teachers in Swedish schools increased slightly during the academic year 2020/21. At the same time, many municipalities find it difficult to recruit. In Vimmerby, no qualified teacher has applied for the 20 positions...

Shaping the new norm: After Covid-19 some challenges in education and change for sustainability

As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads throughout the world, school leaders and educational policy makers struggle with school closures and at the same time, with a fair continuity of learning. This historical event demonstrates the need to orient our education systems...



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