ERASMUS+ project “AGILE 2 VET – Abilitating Digital Learning to innovate VET sector” 2022-2024

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A high salary is not enough to attract teachers

(Image from Pixabay) The proportion of qualified teachers in Swedish schools increased slightly during the academic year 2020/21. At the same time, many municipalities find it difficult to recruit. In Vimmerby, no qualified teacher has applied for the 20 positions...

Shaping the new norm: After Covid-19 some challenges in education and change for sustainability

As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads throughout the world, school leaders and educational policy makers struggle with school closures and at the same time, with a fair continuity of learning. This historical event demonstrates the need to orient our education systems...

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Open schools are now allowed to conduct distance education

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As a member of SADE you get

The newsletter SVERDnytt, which is published two to four times a year. The best of SVERDnytt is published in the form of the magazine which gives you up-to-date information on distance education, reports from distance conferences, addresses current questions and literature tips and informs about both Swedish and international distance conferences in the conference guide. SVERDnytt gives you as a member an opportunity to raise questions, problems, current distance education projects, research and more.

Medlemsmatrikel samt rabatter vid våra konferenser och studieresor. Du inbjuds också att aktivt medverka i tematiska diskussioner här på vår webbplats eller via e-post och gruppdiskussioner.

Medlemskap kan lösas för enskild medlem eller för organisation/företag. Vid organisationsmedlemskap gäller 5 ex av SVERDnytt samt rabatter till organisationens alla anställda vid våra konferenser och liknande arrangemang.

SVERD har ca 200 enskilda medlemmar och ca 40 organisationsmedlemmar, bl a högskolor, utbildningsföretag och kommuner.

Ladda ner SVERDs medlemsfolder 

Member Folder

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The Price is

  • Organization Membership 2 500 SEK a year
  • Individual Membership 250 SEK a year

The membership fee is deposited at bank giro 5130-6702.


SADE organizes annual conferences on topics such as:

  • Teacher roles and distance models
  • Distance bridging technology
  • Interaction and method development in flexible learning
  • National and international e-learning

Traditionally, SADE’s Autumn Conference takes place in October. They are advertised in Per Distance and on our website.

SADE’s membership

SADE cooperates with the following international organizations:

ICDE – International Council for Open and Distance Education
EDEN – European Distance and E-learning Network

A membership gives you a network of distance educators throughout Sweden – all with broad experience of distance education in theory and practice.

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in joining SADE. Fill in the information below and we will contact you.


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You can also contact the office directly if you want to become a member.
phone: +46(0)70-603 42 39

It pays to join SADE!

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