Du kan nominera en person, ett projekt eller en organisation.
Nomineringen startar 15 mars och slutar 15 september 2015.
Direkt länk till nominering här
Kortfattat kan sägas om Boldic Award (project) läs mer här
”- Purpose of the project
The general purpose of “Boldic – open learning resources online” project is to
deepen and bring further the co-operation between Nordic and Baltic organizations
dealing with distance education, flexible learning and e-learning by opening the
community for new partners from both the Baltic and the Nordic countries.
I.e. we want to continue and further develop the process from the earlier project “Boldic
Perspectives Online.”
Project summary
1. Continue, deepen and develop the process from the project
Boldic Perspectives Online.
2. Develop and maintain the Boldic Award nomination
and Award process.
3. Establish Annual conferences concerning dissemination and
best practice in open learning resources
online area.
4. Establish Webinars before and after the Annnual conferences ,
with focus on open learning resources
5. Maintain and develop the website http://www.boldic.org”
Från hemsidana www.boldic.org