The Open Education Europa portal lanserade i samband med sitt två-års jubileum den 1 oktober 2015 en utmaning/tävling: aiming at collecting and sharing innovative teaching practices taking place in Europe. Läs mer här.
The contest aims at European teachers and educators in primary, secondary and higher education, vocational training and adult learning who teach in an innovative way or aim to achieve greater openness or inclusion in the classroom.
To participate in the contest, please submit electronically a Good Practice you were personally involved in. We define “Good Practice” in education as an action, initiative or experience that enhances learning and combines one or more of the following principles:
- Innovation; the application of a novel approach, method or resource to improve teaching or learning.
- Openness; the use or production of resources that are shared freely; the opening up of the classroom with open educational practices.
- Inclusion; providing access to education or training to a previously excluded group or audience.
For the contest we will also consider the Replicability of the practice; whether it is easy for colleagues in other countries to apply and adapt the practice.
Alla som deltar i OEE Teachers Contest erhåller “Open Education Europa Pioneer” badge och har chans att vinna en resa till en innovativ skola i Europa.
Alla innovatörer från alla ämnesmråden, och utbildningsnivåer är välkomna att deltaga och dela sin goda praxis. Fram till den 31 oktober 2015 tas nomineringar emot. Nomineringa kan ske på alla EU språk
Starta här och lycka till!