Idag den 14 april 2020 fortsätter EDEN webinar serien: Education in time of a pandemic #onlinetogether #covid19
Temat för dagen är An EDEN response to your most pressing questions and issues” on Tuesday, 14 April at 17:00 CET. Under webinariet möter du
- Sandra Kučina Softić, EDEN President, Assistant Director for Education and User Support, Zagreb University Computing Centre (Croatia)
- Don Olcott Jr., Global Higher Education Consultant, Romania
- Antonella Poce, Associate Professor, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, Italy
- Lisa Marie Blaschke, Programme Director, Center of Lifelong Learning (C3L), Oldenburg, Germany
You can register here and add the event to your calendar by using the attached calendar entry. Registered participants will receive more detailed joining instructions beforehand.
Inspelningen för föregående veckan (6 april 2020) med SVERDs V Ordförande Ebba Ossiannilsson med temat ”When education moves home: implications for students, academics, administrators, and education leaders” återfinns here.
EDEN ser fram emot att ni även följer kommande webinar och andra event.
If you liked this event and would like to get more involved in our professional community, please join EDEN network here. Once you become a member, you can gain substantial discount on conference fees.
Let us kindly inform you that due to the recent developments of the pandemic, EDEN 29th Annual Conference will be organized as a Virtual Conference on 21-24 June, hosted by Politehnica University Timisoara, Romania. We look forward to expressing togetherness and solidarity within our community with this extraordinary event!