ESG European Standards And Guidelines och e-lärande
This work shows that not only are the ESG applicable to e-learning, it also exemplifes how quality assurance methods with new indicators can be developed.
The present challenge remains with HEIs and QA agencies. On one hand, QA agencies should develop external review methodologies that take into consideration the particularities of e-learning, while on the other hand, traditional institutions providing e-learning or blended programmes should adapt their internal quality assurance systems in order to guarantee the quality of their teaching and learning processes.
The present document can be used as a reference for HEIs and QA agencies, and it might contribute to a common understanding of the concept itself, as well as to the relevant terminology. The document may also prove useful for training sessions of external reviewers and may contribute to enhancing the expert profile of panels.
SVERDs V Ordförande har som oberoende konsult och forskare varit i konsultationsteamet.
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