The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) is the leading global membership organization for online, open and flexible education and draws its membership from institutions, educational authorities, commercial actors, and individuals.
- Enables change to technology enhanced quality education across the globe.
- Advocates for access, equity and quality learning through online, open and flexible learning.
- A dynamic platform for cooperation on innovation and development, featuring key regional actors and leading experts.
- Access to thousands of higher education institutions, networks and systems.
- A key partner for UNESCO.
- Part-funded by the Government of Norway.
Läs också Blogginlägget af Acting Secretary General Morten Flate Paulsson
SVERD har gott samarbete med och är medlem i ICDE. SVERD deltar också i flera initiativ som ICDE driver, tex:
ICDE OER Advocacy Committee (leds av SVERDs V Ordförande Ebba Ossiannilsson)
ICDE Quality Network Europe (SVERD är i Core gruppen för Europa)
Under flera år drev SVERD också ICDE Operational Network
SVERDs V Ordförande Ebba Ossiannilsson har på begäran av ICDE skrivit flera forskningsrapporter
Blended Learning: The State of Nation (2017)
Quality models in online and open online education around the globe: State of the art