European Universities Association (EUA) har lanserat sin rapport om Continuous Development of Teaching Competences: Thematic Peer Group Report. Rapporten, är baserad på forskning genom fokusgrupper av experter inom området. Den beskriver ett antal utmaningar på flera nivåer, såväl för lärosäten, myndigheter och till regeringar. Den för också fram fyra rekommendationer. Läs mer här
- National/government support is important, hence national education strategies should promote teaching qualification attainment for academic staff as professional educators.
- Institutional tone and culture are most significant and absolutely necessary, and institutional leaders should consider how best to support and/or fund learning and teaching initiatives and staff support mechanisms, informed, if present, by proactive national education strategies, and driven by cross- fertilisation with research.
- Institutional criteria for promotion should be reviewed to ensure that evidence of effectiveness in learning and teachingis taken into account for career advancement, in a balanced way with research outcomes.
- Academics are expected to engage in continuous professional development and critical self-reflection throughout their career. These should include activities that support the enhancement of the quality of learning and teaching as well as research and academic career development.