Vill bjuda in till ett EDEN Webinar 15.30 and EDEN Chat 18.00 12 Februari 2020
Detta är ett intressant projekt där EDEN varit partner och SVERDs V Ordförande har varit expert och utvärderade projektet
”The initiative Promoting Online Training Opportunities for the Workforce in Europe prepared for the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (“EASME”) and the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (“DG GROW”) of the European Commission will be presented during this webinar.
Kristina Dervojeda, PwC EU Services, Project Manager and responsible for the report reveals the role of online training in implementing new approaches matching SMEs’ needs and realities in a digital world. The challenges SMEs face today related to the digital transformation of the economy, new regulatory and market requirements demanding a significant shift in their environmental footprints to achieve the UN sustainability targets by 2030, with significant expected impact on the skills of the workforce, have to be addressed while also considering the budget constraints, limited capacity, fierce competition for talent and extreme time pressure SME deal with.The key results of the initiative will be presented by Andre Richier, EC EASME.
Slutrapporten återfinns här final report
The webinar is a contribution of the EDEN NAP (Network of Academics) and the EDEN Special Interest Group (SIG) on Technology Enabled Learning (TEL) and Quality Enhancement (QE).
Registered webinar participants will be awarded by EDEN open badges.”
Varmt välkomna och sprid gärna
Professor, Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson
EDEN EC, EDEN Special Interest Group (SIG) on Technology Enabled Learning (TEL) and Quality Enhancement (QE), Chair, EDEN Council of Fellows
ICDE EC, ICDE OER Advocacy Committee, Chair
V Ordförande SVERD