Futures of Education – a new social contract for education
SVERDs Vårkonferens körs på videokonferensplattformen ZOOM. (Länk skickas ut veckan före konferensen.)
Program :
13.00 Inledning ( SVERD) Ulf Sandström Sverds ordförande.
13.05 UNESCO Rapport ”A new social contract for education”
Reimagining our futures together: Renewing the why, what and how of education”
Key note speaker.: Noah W. Sobe. Senior Project Officer, UNESCO.
UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative asks how we can
best use education to shape the future of humanity and the planet.
In November 2021 it released a flagship report from an independent
International Commission titled Reimagining our futures together:
A new social contract for education (full text available here,
Executive Summary available here). Two years in the making
and informed by hopes, fears, and ideas of over a million people, the report
calls for an educational renewal that addresses past injustices while transforming
the future. In this keynote address, Dr. Noah W. Sobe, a lead on the UNESCO project,
will discuss the main recommendations of the report and UNESCO’s call for a
collective rethinking of the purposes, processes, and overall organization of education. |
14.00 Internationella perspektiv av online / distansutbildning 2022 and beyond (Ebba Ossiannilsson)
Ebba Ossiannilsson Professor, Dr. expert, consultant, influencer and
Quality Assessor in the field of open, flexible, online and distance education. |
14.30 Kaffe
14.45 UKÄ – Postcovid – Pandemins konsekvenserna för högskolan,
effekterna av övergången till undervisning på distans.
Anders Söderholm Gen. dir UKÄ) |
15.30 Utveckling av distansutbildning och Pedagogiskt högskolelyft – för att ge undervisning av hög kvalitet (UHR)
Mikael Andersson projektledare (UHR) |
16.00 Avslutning
Välkomna !
Ulf Sandström
SVERDs ordförande
Svenska Riksorganisationen för Distansutbildning (SVERD)