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Champions of Reimagined Assessment

Through my international work and in this case with OE4BW (Open Education 4 a Better World) I was a mentor in 2021 for Eliana Elkhoury, Athabasca University, CA, and her work with alternative assessment. She is now looking for international partners / Champions, see her letter
See if it’s something for you and/or your colleagues
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Champions of Reimagined Assessment
My name is Eliana Elkhoury and I am an assistant professor at Athabasca University and I would like to invite you to be part of the Champions of Reimagined Assessment project. Many faculty members and instructors have moved beyond traditional or standard exams and are using innovative ways to assess students’ learning. Through this project, I am looking to inspire others and humanize assessment by highlighting the different strategies that you use to assess students. Eventually, the hope is to create a larger community of instructors who are interested to learn about and using alternative assessments.
Who: I am looking for higher education instructors from all disciplines to be our champions. If you have used innovative, creative, new, different strategies to assess students in minor or major assessments then you are a champion of reimagines assessment and I would love for you to be involved in this project.
What: This project will involve you in the collaborative creation of digital content for educators interested in reimagining assessment. We will work together to create brief snippets showcasing your assessment innovations that can be shared on social media platforms to introduce instructors to different forms of alternative assessment. These snippets could take different forms such as a video (less than 2 minutes), images, infographics, or any form of digital content that can posted on social media.
Time commitment and deadline: We will work together to find a time that works for you to complete the creation of the digital content. The deadline for content submission is March 15, 2022.
Email: I would like to chat with you if you are interested in this project or if you have any questions, so please feel free to send me an email to eelkhoury@athabascau.ca
Also please do forward this invitation to instructors who you think might be interested.
This project is funded by Athabasca University APDF/SSHRC Knowledge Mobilization Grant. There is a small honorarium for your participation in this project.



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