DIGITAL SUPPORT: Guidelines for training the trainers to support seniors towards making daily life more easy in digital world NPAD-2021/10187 ( project period 2022-2023)
SVERD is a parter in a new NORDPLUS project with funding from Nordiska Ministerrådet .
The name of the project is DIGITAL SUPPORT: Guidelines for training the trainers to support seniors towards making daily life more easy in digital world Project number NPAD-2021/10187 and it is a prolonging project from the previous project How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic? Project number NPAD-2020/10169.
Coordinator is Summer University of Jyväskylä (FI), and partners is Svenska Riksorganisationen för Öppen och Flexibel Distansutbildning (SVERD) and NO-Seniornett (NO) and LT-Medardas Cobotas Third Age University (LT-MCTAU) Lithuania
Summary In English
The aim of this development project is to build on the ongoing network project: ”How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic?” and as the result of this project to publish a collection of good
practices in training and learning of digital competencies, especially for seniors, bearing in mind that senior is a diverse target group both concerning cohort and period when introduced to digital
environments. In addition, the group is per se very multi-faceted. All participating organizations will describe the best practices from their field of work and in a collaborative way work together with other partners. As a final result, these best practices will be published in a platform, which will be user-friendly, interactive, easy to access, attractive in the interface, and apply self-motivation and self-regulated learning. The suggested guidelines will serve as benchmarks. The aim is that the practices are transferable to all organizations, which provide training or organize help for seniors on digital competencies.