SVERD deltar igen i ett NORDPLUS projekt finansierat av Nordiska Ministerrådet . Det nya projektet DIGITAL SUPPORT: Guidelines for training the trainers to support seniors towards making daily life more easy in digital world Project number NPAD-2021/10187 är en fortsättning på det nuvarande ett åriga projektet How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic? Project number NPAD-2020/10169. Läs mer om båda projekten nedan
Det nya projektet är två årigt och med samma partner som det första. Koordinator är Summer University of Jyväskylä (FI), förutom Svenska Riksorganisationen för Distansutbildning g (SVERD) är NO-Seniornett (NO) och LT-Medardas Cobotas Third Age University (LT-MCTAU) partners.
Kort sammanfattning How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic? Project number NPAD-2020/10169.
Aim of this thematic network project is to strengthen and develop co-operation between Nordic countries and Baltic region on life-long learning for seniors and to learn and share ideas of digital skills teaching for seniors in different countries. Each participating organization organizes a meeting for other participating organizations to introduce its education, teaching methods and topics of digital skills. These meetings are intended for pedagogical staff and representatives of adult students (seniors) from each organization. Expected outcomes of this project are sharing ideas of teaching digital skills and themes for new courses. Other important aspect of this project is to find new partners and get the possibility to continue partnership in the future. Participants are also getting know the Finnish Geronet-project coordinated by Jyväskylä Summer University, which aims to promote seniors digital skills in the whole Finland (funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education).
Kort sammanfattning DIGITAL SUPPORT: Guidelines for training the trainers to support seniors towards making daily life easier in the digital world Project number NPAD-2021/10187
The aim of this development project is to build on the ongoing network project: ”How seniors learn
digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic?” and as the result of this project to publish a collection of good
practices in training and learning of digital competencies, especially for seniors, bearing in mind
that senior is a diverse target group both concerning cohort and period when introduced to digital
environments. In addition, the group is per se very multi-faceted. All participating organizations will describe the best practices from their field of work and in a collaborative way work together with other partners. As a final result, these best practices will be published in a platform, which will be user-friendly, interactive, easy to access, attractive in the interface, and apply self-motivation and self-regulated learning. The suggested guidelines will serve as benchmarks. The aim is that the practices are transferable to all organizations, which provide training or organize help for seniors on digital competencies.