EDEN- Jönköping -preliminary conference structure 13-16 of June 2017
The European distance and e-learning network (EDEN) conference programme includes plenaries, parallel sessions with paper presentations, workshops, trainings, moderated poster and demo sessions and the synergy strand.
The event starts on Tuesday afternoon on 13 June, with registration, followed by the Welcome Reception and ends with a Farewell Coffee on 16 June.
The preliminary structure can be viewed here.
Please note that programme changes may apply.
Register for EDEN Conference 2017 in Jököping at http://www.eden-online.org/
SVERD Pre-conference workshop 13 of June time 12,00-16.00
The pre-conference workshop entitled
”Digital Transformation And Diversity In A Swedish Context”
will be on 13 June, at 12:00-16:00 CET, hosted by SADE, the Swedish Association for Open and Distance Learning, and will be free of charge.
The program is in english.
Program time 13.00-17.00 Mingel and food from 12.30:
Anders Söderholm gen.sekr SHUF
Henrik Hanson docent DSV Stockholms universitet
Ulf Sandström chair Swedish Association for Distance Education.
Panel discussion
Networking activities.
See links:
In cooperation with Jönköping University and Destination Jönköping