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Johan Falk skriver en debattartikel på Voister att AI spelar så stor roll för både elever och samhället att vi inte kan vänta två år till på nationella AI-riktlinjer för skolan Behandla AI som andra webbtjänster Låt inte AI fatta dina beslut Lita inte på...
Inkludera kommunal vuxenutbildning i STEM-strategin! I ett öppet brev till Regeringskansliet, Utbildningsdepartementet uttrycker ViS en djup oro över att komvux inte inkluderas i regeringens STEM-strategi. Det är ett misstag att inte utnyttja potentialen i både...
Nätverken NITUS , SVERD, Akademi Norr och projektet Nya Vägar var inbjudna till riksdagen för att diskutera lärcentrautveckling och ekonomi. Agenda: 08.00 Välkomnande av Niklas Sigvardsson (s) och Matthias Bengtsson (kd) som var värdar 08.05 Info från ordf....
The EDEN Secretariat is taking care of the registration for the Annual Conference. The registration fee includes access to all conference facilities, the electronic Conference Proceedings, the Welcome Cocktail, lunches and refreshments during the conference days. The fee does not include accommodation and the conference dinner.
Authors of contributions accepted for presentation can benefit from a reduced fee. For each paper, only one reduced author’s fee will be offered. For more information on fees and discounts, visit the Conference Registrationpage.
Get to know some of our keynotes
Cecilia Bjursell
Director of Encell, the National Centre for Lifelong Learning.
Dr. Cecilia Bjursell is the Director of Encell at the School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University. Her research interests are organization, learning, metaphors, organizational ethnography and narrative perspectives in various empirical contexts. Her earlier studies focused on post-merger integration processes and women’s enterprise in family businesses.
Markku Markkula was elected President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) in February 2015 for a two and a half year term of office.
He has been a member of Finland’s Espoo City Council since 1980 – where he was President from 1990–1992 and again in 2010 – he is a member of the Board of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council and has been Chairman of the Espoo City Planning Board since 2004.
Dean, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University
Stephan Rapp has extensive experience from the school system as a teacher, principal and school director.He has also been training manager at the Swedish National Courts Administration with responsibility for planning and implementing training programs for staff in the country’s judiciary.In his research, he has been interested in school leadership role in the development of the school.
We are pleased to announce that EDEN’s support scheme to young scholars will be offered again at the 2017 Annual Conference, with the sponsorship of SADE, the Swedish Association for Distance Education. Two young researchers’ attendance at the Conference will be supported with €600 each.
Watch the short interview with Antonia Bralic, Young Scholars’ Support awardee at the Oldenburg Research Workshop #RW9, to find out why EDEN conferences are a great experience.
Get inspired by the Best Research Paper Award winners of 2016
Since 2008, EDEN has bestowed the Best Research Paper Award at its Annual Conferences and the bi-annual Research Workshops. A robust selection process guarantees the high-standing of these awards for contributions to the field of open, distance and e-learning. The selection process takes place in collaboration with the Ulrich Bernath Foundation for Research in Open and Distance Learning, with the support of a distinguished Jury.
Last year’s Best Research Paper Award winners at the 9th Research Workshop in Oldenburg were Antonia Bralic and Blazenka Divjak from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Croatia for their paper on Use of MOOCs in Traditional Classroom: Blended Learning Approach.
The Conference programme includes plenaries, parallel sessions with paper presentations, workshops, trainings, moderated poster and demo sessions and the synergy strand, ensuring digital interactivity and cooperation on the social web.
The event starts on Tuesday afternoon on 13 June, with registration, followed by the Welcome Reception and ends with a Farewell Coffee on 16 June.
that your papers, posters and training submissions will not only be subjected to the conference evaluators’ thorough assessment, but could also win one of EDEN’s prestigious awards. We are keen to promote and inspire professionals by recognising excellence and will continue the tradition of distinguishing Best Papers and Best Practice Initiatives. The conference participants can also make their voices heard – they will be able to vote on their favourite posters on display – the poster earning the highest number of votes will receive the conference’s Poster Prize. Everybody who has an accepted submission for presentation will receive a Speaker badge and all conference participants will be awarded a Participant badge.
Get inspired by the Best Research Paper Award winners of 2016
Since 2008, EDEN has bestowed the Best Research Paper Award at its Annual Conferences and the bi-annual Research Workshops. A robust selection process guarantees the high-standing of these awards for contributions to the field of open, distance and e-learning. The selection process takes place in collaboration with the Ulrich Bernath Foundation for Research in Open and Distance Learning, with the support of a distinguished Jury.
Last year’s Best Research Paper Award winners at the 9th Research Workshop in Oldenburg were Antonia Bralic and Blazenka Divjak from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Croatia for their paper on Use of MOOCs in Traditional Classroom: Blended Learning Approach.
The Conference programme includes plenaries, parallel sessions with paper presentations, workshops, trainings, moderated poster and demo sessions and the synergy strand, ensuring digital interactivity and cooperation on the social web.
The event starts on Tuesday afternoon on 13 June, with registration, followed by the Welcome Reception and ends with a Farewell Coffee on 16 June.
The European Commission has just announced their renewed policy plans for the modernisation of higher education. As Georgi Dimitrov, Deputy Head of the Unit on Innovation in Education and the EIT, and a policy expert in this area, will attend the EDEN 2017 Annual Conference as a keynote speaker we hope to get first hand relevant information on this in good time.
Late submissions still welcome!
There has been an impressive response to the Call, showing high level compliance with the theme and concept. The relevance and diversity of submissions is reassuring for a conference rich in content and in networking opportunities.
Due to numerous extension requests received, the online submission will remain open until further notice. Submissions that relate to the Conference Scope and one or more of the Conference Themesare still welcome in paper, poster, workshop, training, demonstration and synergy formats.
Special offer: Discounted travel with Lufthansa Group Partner Airlines
The Lufthansa Group airlines offer a comprehensive global route network and exclusive prices and conditions to our participants, visitors, exhibitors, and invited guests. Read more on how to use the special offer.
Visit the City Park & the Jönköping Open Air Museum