I februari 2019 hölls ICDE Lifelong Learning Summit i Lillehammer, Norge. I samband med det utarbetades en roadmap för Livslångt lärande. Den togs fram i medverkan av samtliga 100 tals delegater från hela världen, så det är en croud sourcing och kollaborativ rapport. Den bygger på FNs Hållbarhetsmål, speciellt tmål 4 om utbildning. Den har just nu kommit från tryckeriet. Läs hela rapporten här
This road map is a set of recommendations to achieve lifelong learning
for lifelong employability. It is based on the recognition of the need for continuous adaption and acquirement of new skills as decisive factors
for developing an inclusive and sustainable working life for us as individ- uals, as a society and globally as a community. Further, the road map is
a contribution to protect human dignity at work and the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.”