International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), den ledande globala organisationen inom online, open och flexibel utbildning, lanserade denna veckan (7 september 2017) a ny blog som är tillgänglig på flera språk. SVERD är medlemmar i ICDE och ansvarar för det regionala nätverket ICDE_ Operational Network (ON)_ BOLDIC, vilket är ett av fyra nätverk.
Syfte med de regionala nätverken r
- Strengthen ICDE as membership driven organization and offer a regional localised support structure
- Strengthen the visibility and representation of ICDE around the world
- Increase ICDE’s operational capacity, global insight and it will support global knowledge exchange
Working alongside the existing ICDE website and newsletter, this new blog will provide ICDE members and stakeholders with an interactive platform for news, expert-views, background and interaction where all are invited to comment on topics presented.
The blog, a new development for ICDE, has gone live this week with the first contributions having been penned by some of the OER chairs and OER ambassadors. Further contributions in the coming weeks and months will come from experts on Learning Analytics, Blended learning and other hot topics. Later ICDE will invite for content to support events, webinars and other topical activities.
ICDE hopes the readers and ICDE members will find the initiative useful, inspiring and will provide insight as well as interactions on specific topics.
How can you participate?
To have space for a topic, write to us at for further information.
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