YH-utbildningar prioriteras för branscher med stora behov

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NordFlexOn, and the way forward with the ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign on Open Flexible and Distance Education

During the third ICDE Lillehammer International Conference on Lifelong Learning held February 15-17, 2023 the Nordic network NordFlexOn was relaunched. A reception was held by the ICDE on February 16, 2023. Secretary General Torunn Gjelsvik gave a short welcome speech, explained the background and purpose of the network, and then introduced the ”Country Leads” who were present and briefly presented themselves and their organizations.

  • From Norway/FUN, Eleni introduced herself as the new Director for Flexible Education Norway.
  • Ebba Ossiannilsson briefly informed about the Nordplus project application and the Nordic task force for the ICDE GAC (and of course make a short commercial for the Session 4D at the conference: NordFlexOn, and the way forward with the ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign on Open Flexible and Distance Education  under the Conference topic Creating inclusive cultures and meeting places for lifelong learning (3)
  • Jørgen Grubbe  informed about the FLUID conference in Copenhagen in May 2023and invited the network to meet again there

NordFlexOn is a Nordic network for Open, Flexible and Distance Learning (OFDL), established by ICDE in 2019.

Through knowledge exchange, networking and project coordination, the network aims to:

  • Identify potential and current challenges for the uptake and development of OFDL in the Nordic region
  • Advocate for quality OFDL in Nordic countries and beyond
  • Facilitate cross-country collaboration and disseminate practice-based and research-based knowledge on OFDL across the Nordic region

The network is open and free to join for all relevant individuals and associations in the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Norway, and autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands and Greenland, and the autonomous region of Åland.

The Session 4D at the conference: NordFlexOn, and the way forward with the ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign on Open Flexible and Distance Education  under the Conference topic Creating inclusive cultures and meeting places for lifelong learning (3) see tehr abstract below and you can download the sliides here att Ebba Ossiannilsson SlideShare

The third ICDE Lillehammer International Conference on Lifelong Learning was held February 15-17, 2023. The conference brought together educators, employers, employees, researchers, experts, policymakers, and others involved in adult competence development to share knowledge and experiences and jointly develop future solutions for lifelong learning and employability. The conference is a follow-up to the ICDE Lillehammer Lifelong Learning Summit, which took place from February 11-13, 2019, when around 400 participants from more than 30 countries around the world gathered in Lillehammer for three unforgettable days. The conference was divided into plenary sessions and simultaneous sessions each day with world-renowned panelists and speakers led by ICDE President Neil Fassina. This year, 2023, also drew some 300 participants from more than 30 countries.




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