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Conference: How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic. The Swedish Perspectives

Supported by Nordic Councils of Ministers – Nordplus project

Invitation to Online Conference 27-28th Januari 2021

How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and BalticThe Swedish Perspectives

Conference hosted by Swedish Association for Distance Education

Name of project:  How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic
Project number:  NPAD-2020/10169

Funding: NordPlus Nordic Council of Ministers
Please see more instructions for registration below.
No registration fees

The conference is carried out online, thus as is it is also a project meeting for the project How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic Project number:  NPAD-2020/10169funded by NordPlus Nordic Council of Ministers, we provide some pre events and social events,

For your convenience we have collected some info, facts and figures from Sweden, some cultural and information about nature and events. Information is also provided from the cities especially Lund and Härnösand, which are Ebba Ossiannilsson, Vice President  SADE,  and Ulf Sandstrom, President  SADE  cities. Please enjoy in advance to learn to know more about our country Sweden. If we have had a meeting here you should have experienced a mix of this. Please find more information here PRE ENGAGEMENT EVENTS_Supported by Nordic Councils of Ministers


Day 1 : 27 January 2021 time 13.00 -18.15 CET

13.00 Welcome Ebba Ossiannilsson and Ulf Sandstrom, Swedish Association for Distance Education (SADE)
13:30 Introduction Ville Hirvikoski Project Coordinator, Summer University of Jyväskylä,  FI.
14.00 Sturla Bjerkaker NO Seniornett, NO
14.15 Jurgita Rotomskiene, LT
14.40 EC Digital Action Plan
14.55 Futures of education: Learning to become. Swedish examples (among others Digital strategy plan Sweden)
15.45 Susanne Iwarsson, GenerationTech – Ageing, Technology and Health from a Generational Perspective. Centre for Ageing and supportive environments Lund University, SE
16.55 Reflections and Discussion
17.35 Mingel Partner meeting

Day 2 : 28  January  time 10.00 -13.00 CET

10.00 Reflections from day 1 Partner meeting
10.30 Cecilia Bjursell, Lifelong learning later in life, National centre for lifelong learning  ENCELL, Jönköping University SE
11.00 Ebba Ossiannilsson Digital Immigrants Survival Kit (DISK EU project)
11.45 Ulli Samuelsson To be seen as a learning human and not a technical issue, Jönköping University SE
12.15 Lifelong learning
13.00 Reflections, actions forwards
14.00 Closing addresses, Partner meeting

Aim of the Project

Aim of this thematic network project is to strengthen and develop co-operation between Nordic countries and Baltic regions on life-long learning for seniors and to learn and share ideas of digital skills teaching for seniors in different countries. Each participating organization organizes a meeting for other participating organizations to introduce its education, teaching methods and topics of digital skills. These meetings are intended for pedagogical staff and representatives of adult students (seniors) from each organization.

Expected outcomes of this project are sharing ideas of teaching digital skills and themes for new courses. Another important aspect of this project is to find new partners and get the possibility to continue partnership in the future. Participants are also getting to know the Finnish Geronet-project coordinated by Jyväskylä Summer University, which aims to promote seniors digital skills in the whole Finland (funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education).

Contributors :

Ebba Ossiannilsson, Professor, Dr.
V President SADE
Swedish Association for Distance Education (SADE), SE  V President SADE. ICDE and EDEN EC, ICDE Quality Network/ ICDE Focal Points Quality, ICDE OER Advocacy Committee, Chair, CDE Ambassador for the global advocacy of OER 2017
Member in SIS and ISO
Ossiannilsson QOOL Consultancy
EDEN Fellow 2024, EDEN Council of Fellows 2017
Open Education Europa (OEE) Fellow 2015 OEE Ambassador 2016
Ulf Sandstrom MSc
President SADE
Swedish Association for Distance Education (SADE), SE Distance Educator and project leader Department for working life Harnosand municipality.
EDEN fellow 2020.
Master of Science Uppsala University.
Ville Hirvikoski
M. A Planning Coordinator
Summer University of Jyväskylä,  Center For Adult Learning, FI Ville works since 2017 as educational planner at the Summer University of Jyväskylä. Currently he is coordinating the Geronet project funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education. The project aims to promote seniors’ digital skills in 14 areas in Finland by offering open courses and organizing a network of peer tutors to help elderly people with IT problems.
Sturla Bjerkaker
Member of the International Adult and Continuing Hall of Fame
NO-Seniornett, NO Bio
Jurgita Rotomskiene LT-Medardas Cobotas Third Age University (LT-MCTAU), LT  Dr. Jurgita Rotomskienė, the dean of the Faculty of Politics and Economics in Medardas Čobotas university of the third age (MČTAU). She joined the university in 2018.
Education – Doctor of Physics.
She headed the mortgage register of the Republic of Lithuania, later led a Norwegian capital company in setting up a debtor administration system.
Susanne Iwarsson
Professor, Dr.
Centre for Ageing and supportive environments, CASE Lund University, SE Susanne Iwarsson, professor in gerontology at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden, and Doctor Honoris Causa (DHC) at Riga Stradins University, Latvia. She is the Head of the Active and Healthy Ageing research group at the Department of Health Sciences, concentrating on environmental gerontology in combination with health sciences and neuroscience, studying the ageing individual’s and population’s opportunities for activity and participation in society. She is the Coordinator of the Centre for Ageing and Supportive Environments (CASE) and the Swedish National Graduate School for Competitive Science on Ageing and Health (SWEAH).
Cecilia Bjursell
Professor, Dr.
Center leader and professor of pedagogy with a focus on lifelong learning, SE Cecilia Bjursell, professor of pedagogy with a focus on lifelong learning, is active as center manager for Encell at the University of Learning and Communication in Jönköping and leads the research environment Lifelong Learning, which includes about twenty researchers. Her research concerns lifelong learning, incl. older people’s learning and educational leadership.

Ulli Samuelsson. Foto Anna Hållams

Ulli Samuelsson
Assistant  Professor 
Jönköping  University, SE Ulli Samuelsson is an assistant professor in education at Jönköping University. Her research embraces digital inequality and digital inclusion with a focus on older adults. National surveys, as well as in-depth interviews and observations, form the basis of her research.


Ulf Sandstrom
Swedish Association for Distance Education
Ebba Ossiannilsson
Vice Chair
Swedish Association for Distance Education


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