Welcome to participate in the online seminar ”Seniors as digital learners”, which be held on Thursday 29th of April.
Än går det att anmäla sig, se länk längre ner. SVERD är partner io detta MordPlus projekt och anorndande den första konferensen 27-28 jan 2021
This meeting is hosted by the Summer University of Jyväskylä (U3A) as a part of a Nordplus project NPAD-2020/10169: How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic? which is a joint project of four organizations. They are Seniornett (Norge), SADE Swedish association for Distance Education (Sweden), MCTAU Medardo Čoboto trečiojo amžiaus universitetas and Summer University Of Jyväskylä (Finland).
The aim of our project is to share good practices about the topic, how seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and the Baltic. Besides that, we learn, how digitalization and continuous learning are seen in different countries. During the meeting, you will hear some presentations from the Finnish perspective on the topic
You can join the meeting starting at 9.30 o’clock Finnish time (8.30 Middle European time). Full program and some pre-information about Jyväskylä you can find here: https://peda.net/id/1345ec388e4.
I hope you’ll enjoy the meeting.