Swedish Association for Open and Distance Education (SADE) is a professional organization in Sweden for all those involved in open, online and flexible distance learning, including technology-enabled learning (OFDL).
Title: Strong Leadership: For Resilient Sustainable Education and to empower strong student ownership for learning
Date: 17 November 2020
Time: 5:00 pm (CET)
Link to Register: https://www.sverd.se/icde-satellite-engagement-event-with-sade-the-17-11-2020-time-1700-cet/
Ebba Ossiannilsson, Professor, Dr. ICDE, EC, ICDE OER Advocacy Committee, Chair; ICDE Quality Network; V. President, Swedish Association for Distance Education, EDEN EC; EDEN FELLOW. (Chair of the Satellite event))
Ulf Sandström, MSc, President, Swedish Association for Distance Education, EDEN Fellow, Department for Working Life Harnosand Municipality Sweden.
Introduction and thank you by the ICDE (Video by Torunn Gjelsvik, ICDE Secretary General)
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