Ny generaldirektör för Skolinspektionen

Regeringen har beslutat att anställa Marie Axelsson som generaldirektör och chef för Skolinspektionen. Hon påbörjar sin anställning den 1 april 2025. – Skolan ska gå tillbaka till grunderna. Tillbaka till en skola där elever lär sig läsa med riktiga böcker, där...

Undervisning på vetenskaplig grund har blivit en ny trend i den svenska skolan

Undervisning på vetenskaplig grund har blivit en ny trend i den svenska skolan. Problemet är att den är dyr att genomföra, men enligt regeringen är tajmingen god. – Jag menar att det i nuläget finns ett gyllene tillfälle eftersom barnkullarna går ned väldigt kraftigt,...

Lärosätena med flest avhandlingar

Mellan 2020 och 2023 doktorerade totalt 159 personer inom innovations- och entreprenörskapsforskningen. De tre lärosäten som har spikat flest avhandlingar är Lunds universitet (19 st), Högskolan i Jönköping (16 st) och Linköpings universitet (13 st). Hela listan finns...

Utredningen om mer obligatorisk undervisningstid för elever som behöver det är klar

Skolminister Lotta Edholm tog i december emot Utredningen om mer obligatorisk undervisningstid för elever som behöver det. I samband med överlämningen hölls en pressträff tillsammans med den särskilde utredaren Pontus Bäckström. Bakgrund till behovet av mer...

Ny rapport om distansarbetets fram- och baksidor

Riksrevisionens övergripande bedömning i en ny rapport är att de anställdas möjlighet att arbeta på distans inte haft någon påtaglig påverkan på om myndigheternas verksamhet bedrivs effektivt. Granskningen visar att distansarbetet inte påverkar de flesta myndigheters...
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The third International Lillehammer Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference 15-17 February 2023

The third International Lillehammer Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference 15-17 February 2023, invited educators, employers, employees, researchers, experts, politicians, and others involved in competence development for adults to share knowledge and experiences, and together develop future solutions for lifelong learning and lifelong employability. The conference  followed up of the ICDE Lillehammer Lifelong Learning Summit on 11-13 February 2019. Then some 400 participants from more than 30 countries across the globe met in Lillehammer for three unforgettable days.For this year 2023 there were some 300+ delegats fron over 30 countries again and from all regions of the world. The conference now really attract an internatioanl audience. The conference were divided in plenary sessions and simultaneous sessions each day with world renown panelists and speakers and were chaired by ICDE president Neil Fassina. See the program here  Read more about the speakers here

Ebba Ossiannilsson, Ulf Sandström and Mats Brenner represented the Swedish Association for Open, Flexible and Distance Education (SADE). Ebba Ossiannilsson, had five presentations on behalf of SADE, which will be exploresd miore in another post. THe sessions were: Leadership for Micro-credentials, Implementation of the UNESCO OER Recommendation:The way forward, OER: a Facilitator for Lifelong Learning, NordFlexOn, and the way forward with the ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign on Open Flexible and Distance Education, and The role of lifelong learning in digital transformation.

In addition, The NORDFLEXON was relaunched during the conference in LIllehammer 2023. The network is open and free to join for all relevant individuals and associations in the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Norway, and autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands and Greenland, and the autonomous region of Åland. Will also be explored in anoher post.

Thanks to everyone who joined in Lillehammer making the #Lifelonglearning2023 conference a success! 🙌
We had three full days of exchanging knowledge and experiences, discussing the key challenges of lifelong learning, and addressing solutions with the ambition to work towards UN Sustainable Development goals, in particular, the SDG4 to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and promote lifelong learning”
Asha Kanwar, President and CEO of Commonwealth of Learning, who took part in the panel discussion on Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development, new jobs, and the green shift.
See video from Day 2 here l.php
Highlights day 2.mp4
At #Lifelonglearning2023, as a token of appreciation for the plenary speakers, a donation was made to the Malala Fund, an international non-profit organisation working for a world where every girl can learn and lead. The fund invests in local educators and networks, advocates for girls’ education at local, national, and international levels, and amplify girls’ voices and share their stories.
Learn more about the Malala Fund: https://malala.org/



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