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Bli medlem

Skriv upp dig idag

Bli medlem

Skriv upp dig idag

”The Year of Open” inleds idag den 17 januari 2017

Idag är der den officiella starten på the Year of Open!
”For those of us in open education, 2017 gives us a lot to celebrate:
The Year of Open is an opportunity for everyone working towards an open future to make some noise, to bring attention to what we’re doing, why we do it, and what impacts it has.  The Year of open is also a time for action: to invite others to join us in creating a collaborative, effective, engaging, and equitable future.”
Läs mer på Open EDUCATIONAL CONSORTIUMS webbplats

How can you support the Year of Open?
  • Add to the Year of Open calendar of events by submitting Open events here: https://goo.gl/forms/xXrTmVIgG2oBIEdv1
  • Use promotional materials. The more people see the Year of Open logo, the more they will want to find out what it’s about.
  • Get the word out about open. Write blog posts, op-eds, articles; make videos; hold discussions with new audiences. Let everyone know you support open by using the #yearofopen hashtag.
  • Help us improve the Year of Open website. The website is designed to give high-level overviews of different aspects of open, and then get them to expert organizations for more information. See an area of open that’s missing? Contact me to volunteer to create content.
  • Become a partner in the Year of Open. If your organization would like to be a partner by actively committing to participate and contribute to the Year of Open, contact me.
  • Participate in Open Education Week – let’s make this the biggest and best one yet. Open Education Week is one of the key activities for open education globally, with online and locally hosted events around the world.  Get ideas on the website, and let us know what you’re doing so it will appear on the Open Education Week events calendar.
The Year of Open will be as good as our community makes it. Let’s seize the opportunity to really make 2017 the Year of Open.



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